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20/06/2005: "Location: Customs House, Sydney"

It's been a tough weekend. Drove down to World Juggling Day, Canberra on Friday. World Juggling Day 2005 was mostly shows by Warehouse Circus, Mark D. winning nearly all the competitions and not much juggling.

The unofficial WJD after party was surely the highlight of my weekend. It was all about Nic's house, random jugglers and Cooper's Stout. It was totally rock'n'roll! There were feats of marble-lous construction, heavy drinking, in-depth discussion of juggling, T-shirt design ideas and too much Turkish pide. There were jugglers from Canberra, Sydney, Warehouse Circus, Pog Circus entertainment and Perth. 'Twas trei cool!

Sunday was all about being hung-over and recovering. It started with breakfast discussion about religion. (Shane did not have any breakfast cos he woke up still a little drunk.) Then coffee at Gus's and Cafe Essen (jugglers were dotted around both cafes). then nauseated Shane in the back seat of the car to sydney.

Currently, I've gone back to the Sydney Film Festival. This morning was about "Kindergarten", a doco about kids in China. Pure class! The film just cut footage from a Kindergarten without voice-over commentary or explaination

Anyway, after, went for a wonder. Got caught up at the "Card Shaq" taking to a Sydney Boy's High graduate (1996) about basketball card collecting in 1994 when it was a craze. Apparently, the NBA finals were being played as we spoke because he was getting updates via the internet.

Now i'm at the Sydney Customs House at Circular Quay. It has a model of sydney city in it's foyer under the perspex floor and has the internet for free! How cool is that!

Click on [extended entry] for Kindergarten synopsis.


Kindergarten is a look at 14 months in the lives of the children in junior, middle and senior classes in a boarding kindergarten in Wuhan in China’s Hubei province. Life inside the kindergarten moves on every day with the children slowly growing up. Happenings in one’s childhood have a long-term effect on our lives, therefore anything, however trivial, seems so important in the kindergarten. All the trivialities of life bear some importance in later life, no matter if it is living in a certain place for a period of time or part of generally growing up. When we bend over to look closely at our children, we are also examining our own world and ourselves. – Guangzhou International Documentary Film Festival Kindergarten won the grand prize at the 2004 Guangzhou International Documentary Film Festival and is brought to the Sydney Film Festival with the co-operation of the Guangzhou event. ‘This film is a wonderful portrait of childhood itself and in this way encapsulates the themes of all the other films. It shows strong moments of vitality, of intimacy, of innocence, and also of the loss of innocence. It clearly demonstrates in which way children are a reflection of the adult world and our values and reminds us of our responsibility. It is pure and simple in style, it can be understood by any audience and is truly universal.’ – Ghuangzhou Jury.

Director's Bio
Zhang Yia Ing

Zhang Yiqing was born in Beijing in 1954. Formerly a worker and teacher, he is now the documentary director of Hubei Television Station, a senior journalist and director of the China Television Documentary Academic Association. Amon

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