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16/06/2005: "Gluk Gluk!"

Howdy. Took me the whole day but gluk.com.au is finally an officially lauched website. (totally annouced on rec.juggling today). I dunno if i'm nauseous because of looking at the computer screen for a few hours straight or from eating one too many salmon patties chased by a guniness and then the third coffee of the day. All i know is that the website has warm earthy tones (brown) and more juggling talk so that I don't have to ramble about juggling on this blog. (yeah like that's gonna happen!)

So far, watched four great movies at the Sydney Film Festival. They were all phenomenally great in thier own way.
They were:
1) Music from the Inside Out (2004): Documentary about the Philadelphia Orchestra.
2) A Day Without a Mexican (2004): Story of strange weather systems that suddenly cause the disappearance of all Mexicans in california and the aftermath. Funny, emotional, political, etc. A complete package!
3) A State of Mind ?2003?: Documentary on two young gymnastic girls growing up in North Korea. Great to see North Koreans upholding socialist values and having a healthy hatred for American imperialism. Unfortunately everything in North Korea is named after Kim Il Song and Kim Jong Il (AKA "the general").
4) Enron: the smartest guys in the room (2004) Based on a book of the same name written by Fortune reporters: Bethay Mclean and Peter Elkind, this movie explores the policies of outright fraud and nondisclosure that lead to the collapse of one of the biggest companies in American corporate history. It shows how white collar crime was basically endorsed by banks, accountants and the government so that they could make more money. The power of money, ambition and success totally screws with the honest worker. Bethay Mclean is totally kick-ass!

Otherwise, other great highlights of the week so far:

  • Leaving my juggling bag in Mark's car and being without radical fish clubs from Sunday to Wednesday
  • I remember now how hard it was to cut out letters then align them on a t-shirt so they spell "juggler" and then iron them on. (two t-shirts have fallen casualty!)

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