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20/06/2005: "Protocols of Zion and the Fall of Fujimoro"

Protocols of Zion (2005): best movie of the festival so far.
Film-maker Marc Levin explores anti-Semitism in today's USA with humour and appropriate outrage. Levin's journey starts with the urban myth that no Jews died in the 9/11 attacks - they "knew in advance and didn't turn up for work". He interviews people on the street who talk of Jew York and its mayor, "Rudolph Jew-liani". He meets the US National Alliance leader who talks of the "Jewish" media magnate Rupert Murdoch. He learns that "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", a piece of anti-Jewish propaganda written in 19th century Russia, is selling like hot cakes from NY newspaper stalls. "Entertaining and substantial enough to attract at least a portion of the Michael Moore audience." - Variety

The Fall of Fujimoro (2005): also totally worth watching.
For a Japanese-born politician to lead a Latin American nation for 10 years is unusual enough, but Alberto Fujimori's story is stranger still. Peru's president between 1990-2000, he is now wanted by Interpol for kidnapping, corruption and murder. This gripping tale should appeal to even those who habitually disdain political docos, laced as it is with tales of the cocaine trade, Maoist guerrillas and a wife who stood against Fujimori for office - without warning him.

"The Fujimori story has enough unlikely melodrama for six Italian operas... A smart, insightful and revelatory portrait of one of the late 20th century's more enigmatic world leaders." - Variety

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