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06/06/2005: "spelling bee on ESPN"

I went to the gym today. They have cable TV. The American National Spelling Bee was showing on ESPN which was exciting because I thought "Spellbound" was one of the best documentaries ever.

Anyway, the first child i saw had a really hard word she didn't know but she fudged her way thru and spelt it well. then the commentor said something like "she's also a juggler which is probably helped her juggle the letters to spell the word!" i was like, did i reaelly heard that from ESPN or was that only something i made up because i've been a little juggle obsessed?

By the way, this morning was all about b22420420 (where b=11). Excitement? Geekdom? whatever it is, it's definitely different to 74400.

In other news, it's really easy to get an ABN and set up a domain name. It took me about one hour and a hundred bucks and by the end of the week, www.gluk.com.au will totally be Shane's little online store for at least the next two years.

Replies: 2 Comments

yes shane i think your definatly too juggle obsessed... not that thats bad or anything.

PS nice use of the word Geekdom.

Alex said @ 06/08/2005 01:42 AM EST

oooh what are you going to sell?

you are a geek!

jamalt said @ 06/08/2005 12:10 AM EST

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