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06/06/2005: "Extreme Tracker: Amusing Search Engine Referrals (try these at your own risk)"

For those of you that aren't aware. This site is using extreme tracking (located at the bottom of the site) to collect information on visitors. It is free and basically acts as a counter of visits among other things. It's been active for the last 6 days and this blog averages 8 hits a day.


But what's more interesting is the way people find this site. Especially through search engines.
google - skateboarding australia cool blog (first page of results)
google - nigella bites pudding (third page, last entry)
google - wierd ass (5th entry)
google - jamie oliver sticky toffee pudding (8th entry)
google (in Australia) - Anthony Gatto (1st entry)
google (in Australia) - barrista film blog (1st entry)

how wierd is that people come to this blog through skateboarding, pudding, wierd ass and others.

SO TIRED. Dale came for the weekend. He leaves on Monday. There was a lot of talking being done when he was around (especially by me) and arguments a plenty. Also there were multiple juggling times, coffee times, and beer times. But not much sleep.

Today I went rock climbing for the first time with Dale, Mark and Katherine. I put on the harnass and it was fine but i was warned about "package" issues.

Rock climbing was cool fun! Climbed up (being 15kg less helped) and totally made it to the top a few times. From the spotter's prespecitive, there is a lot of time staring at someone's arse. BUt all it all it was very exciting and i'll do it again.

anyway, i'm exhausted, too much physical activity and mindnumbing arguments!

The next person to mention juggling and siteswaps will totally get dragon punch street fighter-style to the head!

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