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11/06/2005: "Quickie"

  • On Monday, I decided jogging was key to cardiovascular health and weight loss so have run 3-4km a day on treadmill.
  • I feel tired and wake up sore everyday. I think this might be good but i'm not sure.
  • Italian men sitting + drinking coffee together at Haberfield are mucho cool.
  • Haberfield coffees taste like coffee should taste. [in my opinion, in a subjective sense and not in any objective quality]
  • A case of Chimay Blue Reserve (Trappist Beer) is a great birthday present idea.
  • Websites are hard to design when you're a qualified doctor but not qualified to do anything else.
  • T-shirts don't design themselves if left in the corner.
  • Shane gets excited about making a stew and bread from scratch. This is not normal male behaviour.
  • Excitement over purchasing cheese, stinky meats, frozen gnocchi, dark chocolate, tahini, and various types of flour (including spelt) from small Italian women is also not particularly normal.

    Directions for cooking frozen gnocchi (as per Italian pasta guy from Haberfield)
    1. boil water in large pot with some salt. Boiling means rip-roaring bubbling not just a few pissy bubbles. (the more water there is the better)
    2. Put in gnocchi (still frozen, do not defrost) and stir for the next few minutes to stop sticking to each other or pot.
    3. When majority of gnocchi start floating to the top. (that means not a few and also means not all) then they are done.
    4. Drain gnocchi thru sieve. (no need to rinse with water)
    5. Serve with whatever sauce you want.

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