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25/05/2005: ""George Lucas, I want my 8 bucks back!" [spoiler-free review]"

darthvader (5k image)Today, I went to see Star Wars Episode 3 with Flea. I've never really felt embarassed for the director of a major hollywood blockbuster but i did, today. George Lucas has sold his story-telling soul to the Hollywood machine of digital effects and celebrity actors.
I was not captivated by this film at all. The overall plot had some good ideas but most of the plot devices were well-worn and weary. The mythology and story-telling aspects of star wars were absent from this flick. Also, the dialogue, which i thought was an intergral to a movie, was oozing cheese and ham. I think the whole movie tried too hard to be dramatic and serious.
I better quickly talk about the good bits before it sounds like one big long complaint...
Yoda: exceptional! only "non-wooden" preformance.
Digital Effects: brillant, mind-bogglingly good!
The old counciller guy: best non-animated actor.
Very visually "pretty" movie. "......oooouuuuuuuuuu... preeetty...."

Bad bits:
Natalie Portman's character went from strong-willed, politically-minded woman who'd kick-ass and take names, to being a stereo-type whiney teenage drama queen who cried a lot.
I usually love watching Ewan McGregor but, in this movie, he looked like he was in a pantomime and was going to burst out into broadway musical at any stage.
The scene changes (video transitions) were all wipes. which is fine, but they were all the different wipes in the world.... I waited for STAR-wipe but it never came.

All in all, it was corn-ball, chessy-lined drivel. Unless you're a "star wars" ultra-fan or a special effects monger, i would save my money and watch the better sci-fi movie out at the moment. (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)

Replies: 1 Comment

I don't want to get into the whole "star wars 3 is _" debate, but with reference to cheesy dialogue and wipes: let's face it, that's what the original movies were all about and we loved them. some points for consitency.

also, hitch-hikers the movie stunk a bit, which is sad. hate to be a stickler for "it's not like the book", but it's nothing like the book. it's now a slap-stick love story.

actually, i just wanted to add comments to a blog.

Pete said @ 06/08/2005 03:18 PM EST

Totally Blogged!

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