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26/05/2005: "Guiness World Records and a Judge."

Judge George Kersten standing in a room and exercising with two juggling pins (1922)Check you the American Memory from the Library of Congress. You can search through old newspapers, photos, videos and other print media for anything you like. Just look at this photo of Judge George Kersten from the Chicago Daily News (1922).

Apparently, Guiness World Records (Australian Edition) are looking for world record attempts in Australia. Can you juggle 5 balls while suspended upside down? Bobby May did, in the 50's. So to break it, you'd have to juggle 6 balls to beat it!

Bobby May (1907-1981) was one of the finest jugglers who ever lived. He was preforming during the vaudeville era and he was a pioneer of juggling as preformance art. I love Bobby May, he's genius!

Replies: 1 Comment

Ah, what a sexy old man. You should aspire to look like him.

It will add rustic charm to your juggling schemes. Little old people will certainly give you money becoz they will feel transported to their long-lost childhoods.

See, I help you make money AND stalk you.


Vix said @ 05/27/2005 01:28 AM EST

Totally Blogged!

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