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24/05/2005: "dyscopia"

did you know that your friend, Shane, is on sleeping tablets for sleeping problems? that's right! It's helping, but he's discovered that there's a bit of amnesia between taking tablet and waking up the next morning. The first time noted was when he couldnt remember the ending to Miss Congeniality even though he remembers watching the whole thing before going to bed. Now, the next morning, to his surprise, computer websites will be open to topical ideas and new juggling videos will be downloaded . He has no recollection of doing these things. Usually the response is "...SWEET! what a cool website! i will read it even though i've probably already read it before" or "...COOL! i've downloaded these things already!" So if you even find yourself talking to Shane in the middle of the night, it might be poignant to asked whether he is under the influence of any prescription medication.

other personal side effects noted: drowsiness (not the next morning), clumsiness, staggering, incoherence (more than normal), forgotten moments of genius.

In other news, Just scored 123 bucks. ING had a $123 giveaway if you signed up on a specific day in May and the account was updated to show that amount. (thanks Mark)

Well, the hot water fuse has blown so i'm off to get a replacement. (or the gym to have a hot shower).

Replies: 2 Comments

You are an idjit-galoot. Yes. Your Chinky-dink parents must be right proud of you and your newfound drug habit.


See, I DO pay attention to you.

Now I shall make comments on ALL (or most) of your entries to prove my point. HAH.


Vix said @ 05/27/2005 01:25 AM EST

cool so you won't remember talking to me now then?

jamalt said @ 05/27/2005 12:22 AM EST

Totally Blogged!

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