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23/05/2005: "Goals: 7 ball bounce and 5 clubs"

B0002XNSZO.01._PE10_SCMZZZZZZZ_ (8k image)Yea, so i havent lost any weight in 2-3weeks. I'm still 85kg for those playing at home. So i've gone back to the food diary, regular gym and juggling for this week. Still trying to do 5 clubs. ARGH!

Maybe i've been inspired 'cos i started watching this documentary series, The Fire Within. It's a doco about the 9 months of training, planning and mishaps leading up to a large cirque production.
It's great! The main bosses get frustrated with each other cos they can't agree on the name of the show and argue about artistic direction. I like how everyone is SO buffed and they come from all over. (inc. Eastern Europe, Spain, UK, Canada, France, US). The hip-hop dance/circus choreographer who transports on a skateboard and crutches cos he has a degernative hip disease adds flavor to the doco. Watching great preformers practice is pure gold!

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