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15/05/2005: "DIY blog, Israel and NICA"

Totally blogged! Took two days, 3 different programs and loads of frustration but it's up. So angry... Will make it look prettier once i've found the will to live again.

In other news, how hardcore are israel jugglers! WAY hardcore! Check out http://www.juggleroth.com/Videos/OriAvner5thvideo.mpg

Last night, went to see NICA's "The New Breed" at the studio at the Opera House. They were surprisingly good. German Wheel girl was top class. I saw a block-boy, unicycle guy, hula-hoop girl, cloud, pole, freestanding ladder, pole again, crap club passing filler (they dropped heaps and tried to do dropbacks), foot juggling to uncomfortable heavy breathing, pole and Dan the Man on slackrope.. There was short juggling routine which involved one ball ponce, 3 ball mills mess, 4ball multiplex into 4 ball shower and 5 ball cascade for about 10 catches. He didnt drop. But all in all I thought it was excellent new school circus.

Totally Blogged!

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